Near Space

Near Space Доводилось ли вам побывать в открытом космосе? Нет? Представляем вашему вниманию уникальную работу. Это настоящий большой космический корабль. Который содержит десятки палуб и различных отсеков. Рубку управления полетом и конечно места где можно устроить настоящий бой.

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About The Game

The Space Soldiers was designed primarily for multiplayer gameplay and allows for a maximum of 128 players on a server. As with other sci-fi games, you will be transported to another world; however, Space Soldiers is unlike any other sci-fi game you have seen before. Play beside a number of recognizable characters. Space Soldiers is a treat for all fans of sci-fi games. With state of the art graphics and hard-hitting gameplay, sci-fi games have never looked so good!

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