Hair fall, breakage and poor calibre (frizzy, dry) has turned into a major concern for any second or third adult or maybe adolescent today.
Ironically stress is usually a major cause of
hair problems & losing hair even larger root cause of worry.
Here is a few of the medical lingo, which a person usually hears in the doctor or comes across while searching on bing during his struggle through the hair problem.

ALOPECIA means lack of hair from places where it must be usually present- scalp, body.
Diffuse lack of scalp hair, commonly found in females- referred to as FEMALE PATTERN HAIRLOSS/ BALDNESS
MALE PATTEREN BALDNESS / ANDROGENIC ALOPECIA are hair thinning affecting temples predominantly, accompanied by vertex. It's the most popular type of hair thinning, prevalent in 30-40% young males.
TRACTION ALOPECIA- caused as a result of undue pulling or hair - tight ponytails or hair accessories.
ALOPECIA TOTALIS- baldness in entirety.
ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS- lack of scalp & body hair.
ALOPECIA ARETA- baldness in patches.
TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM is actually a scalp disorder seen as the thinning or shedding of hair, can lead to baldness in the long run.
CICATRICAL ALOPECIA- is a sort of alopecia in which there is destruction of follicles of hair bringing about permanent hairloss; there might be burning, itching, pain & redness of scalp as well as thinning hair.
Hairloss, breakage & sub-standard of hair may be attributed to various other causes -
Physiological Conditions like- Pregnancy, Post delivery period, Menopause, Breast Feeding
Scalp Infections or inflammatory conditions- Dandruff, Seborrhea Dermatitis, Psoriasis
Nutritional Deficiencies- Iron, Vitamin D, C, A, E, B complex especially B6, Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium.
Illness - Typhoid, Cancer, Liver Diseases
Endocrine / Hormonal Disorders- Thyroid Gland Disorders, Renal Disorders, Pituitary Disorders, Poly cystic Ovarian Syndrome
Drugs- Antihypertensive drugs, Corticosteroids, Oral Contraceptives, Anti- depressants, etc
Mental Stress
Overuse of Cosmetics/ Hair Products, Hair accessories and hair styles that may cause friction or make hair dry
Genetic Predisposition
Environmental factor- pollution levels, toxins in water & air
MANAGING Baldness -
Correcting the underlying condition- scalp infection, taenia capitis, hormonal illness, etc, the recovery from underlying illness mostly ensures regaining of hair. Sometimes a systemic illness can result in severe hair thinning, which might be corrected by homeopathic medication.
Nutrition for Hair- Proteins, Minerals, Fatty Acids. Hair, similar to most body tissue is made up of proteins and then for synthesis & repair of many micro nutrients is called for.
Avoiding harmful agents-certain drugs, alcohol, nicotine (tobacco, smoking).
Avoiding overuse of dyes, cosmetics, hair styling items that may damage hair roots. Consumption of chemicals on ones scalp & hair should be minimal in order for the scalp is clean & pores can breathe.
Hair massage to increase circulation is a tried -n- tested approach to perk up dry hair.
Mild shampoo's to hold scalp clean.
Medication- a therapy that suits the patients needs & inclinations can be, conventional medicines, homeopathy, ayurveda & naturopathy Keeping stress levels to minimum ensures a proper body.
Building strong immunity to maintain infections far off.
Homeopathy helps in treating the actual causes like hormonal Imbalances, deficiencies, scalp infections & even hereditary hair loss to stop or decelerate hair loss & promote new increase in men & women both.
With proper homeopathic medication, nutritional & good hair care advice new hair growth, quality & density show dramatic improvement.
This on the list of commonest indicated remedy in male pattern baldness.